Rose has to overcome the fear of her supernatural gift and work with Martin to save the girl, get the guy and be home in time for a light snack… maybe a yogurt or something. Her terrified father, Martin, asks Rose to help save his daughter. It’s going to be tough when none of the films open in the 10,000 club. This is too bad, as there are several that deserve to find an audience, including Bacurau, Extra Ordinary, First Cow, Go Back to China, and so many more. But! Christian Winter, a washed up, one-hit-wonder rock star, has made a pact with the devil for a return to greatness! He puts a spell on a local teenager – making her levitate. There are way too many limited releases and I fear this will hurt the box office chances of any film coming out this week.

Rose has a love/hate relationship with her ‘talents’ and tries to ignore the constant spirit related requests from locals – to exorcise possessed rubbish bins or haunted gravel. The ending for Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist that fans have wanted since it was axed by NBC in June is very nearly upon us, in the form of a sure-to-be delightful holiday movie on The Roku. 6.99/mo Streaming Library with thousands of TV episodes and movies Most new episodes the day after they air Access to award. Rose, a sweet, lonely driving instructor in rural Ireland, is gifted with supernatural abilities. “An unfalteringly funny, ectoplasm-drenched horror-comedy that deserves the cult status it’s destined for.” – Al Horner, Empire Magazine “If, by the off chance, you’re in the mood for an eccentric ghost story that’s filled with romance and questionable comedy, Extra Ordinary may be just what you need.” – Joseph Dominguez, Film Inquiry “Like those cheeky genre-splicing comedies that came before it, the Ahern-Loughman collaboration doesn’t merely goose the boundary between charming and outrageous, it gleefully tramples it into oblivion.” – Michael Rechtshaffen, Los Angeles Times Extraordinary Mission more info Movie details Extraordinary Mission. Once virtual ticket is purchased you will receive an email receipt and url link to view the film, or you can view it from the online purchase page. Please note: Apple TV and Roku app-based viewing options are not yet available in Canada for this film. Virtual ticket for Extra Ordinary is in USD and is a 5-day rental. Although proud of his incredible athletic accomplishments and the impact he has on his students, Davids family continuously pays a high price for his years of competitive running. Supernatural Comedy/Horror, 14A for coarse language, sexual content, crude humour and some horror violence, 93 minutes (Ireland/ Belgium) EXTRAORDINARY tells the amazing story of ultra-marathon runner and college professor David Horton, his wife, Nancy, and their attempt to finish their marriage race well.

Written and Directed by: Enda Loughman, Mike AhernĬast: Maeve Higgins, Barry Ward, Jamie Beamish, Terri Chandler, Risteárd Cooper, Will Forte and Claudia O’Doherty Rose, a mostly sweet & lonely small-town driving instructor, must use her supernatural talents to save the daughter of Martin (also mostly sweet & lonely).