Overlord raising hell trainer
Overlord raising hell trainer

overlord raising hell trainer

Brown (in the walkthrough, referred to as gold) minions are the general imp infantry and are highly expendable. Collect a bunch when you can, since you need not only gold, but lifeforce (not the Konami game) to fuel upgrades to your Overlord. Almost all enemies surrender the basic gold life force. Browns (or golds) are summoned by the standard lifeforce. Now for the more advanced bull: minions are summoned by four different lifeforces.


Check the manual for the lowest level of basic crap. Targeting the banner will allow the group to be moved with the right stick. Important if you don't want your forces to be drowned or when you get enough forces to do ambushes, etc. Minions are set to guard with the Yellow button. The old minion trainer Gnarl will go over all this in the training. Minion regrouping is done with the Red button. Otherwise, the shield and minion type spells are caster and global (respectively). Magic is cast from the Blue button and comes in handy if the spell is aimed.

overlord raising hell trainer

Play around with the targeting and views to get the best vantage before committing forces, otherwise your Overlord gets auto-raped. Note you can target after going into strategic command view (the pull-back view). Target a specific target by pressing L2 (trigger) and cycle targets using R3. Minions attack only if ordered to "auto-rape" (small joke with Gnarl's loot and pillage line there) everything nearby. Attacking is done just like Jade Empire - press the Green button until you puke twice. is smart enough to avoid some water in very limited areas in other stages (i.e., not Mellow Hills), minions on auto-rape will drown or die unless they are the Blue Minion. Immediately, the forces may be activated to "go forth and rape" with R2 (trigger).

overlord raising hell trainer

YES NOthrough toggling R3 and using the right stick.

Overlord raising hell trainer